Robotic Hysterectomy
da Vinci® Hysterectomy

Changing the Experience of Surgery

Your doctor is one of a growing number of surgeons

worldwide providing leading-edge treatments such

as da Vinci® Hysterectomy.

d a Vinci Hysterectomy is setting a new standard for

the surgical treatment of a broad range of uterine


For more information on da Vinci Hysterectomy,

please visit:

A wide variety of conditions affect the uterus, or womb. The uterus is

a hollow, muscular organ which holds and feeds a fertilized egg.

Traditionally, many conditions affecting the uterus are treated with

hysterectomy — the surgical removal of the uterus. U.S. doctors

perform about 600,000 hysterectomies every year, making it the

second most common surgical procedure.

Hysterectomy may offer a life-saving treatment with serious

conditions such as cancer

or uncontrollable bleeding.

In most cases, however,

hysterectomy is an elective

procedure performed to

relieve chronic pain, bleeding

or other disabling conditions.

These may be caused by

fibroids (noncancerous

tumors); endometriosis (noncancerous growth of the uterine lining)

or prolapse (falling or slipping of the uterus).

The Condition: Uterine Disease, Including Cancer,

Fibroids, Endometriosis & Prolapse

Fallopion Tubes





If your doctor recommends hysterectomy, you may be a candidate for

a new, less invasive surgical procedure called da Vinci Hysterectomy.

This procedure uses a state-of-the-art surgical system designed to

help your surgeon perform a more precise, minimally invasive procedure.

For most women, da Vinci Hysterectomy offers numerous

potential benefits over traditional surgical approaches, including:

> Shorter hospital stay

> Less pain

> Faster recovery

> Quicker return to normal activities

> Less risk of wound infection

> Less blood loss

> Less scarring

As with any surgery, these benefits cannot be guaranteed, as surgery is

patient- and procedure-specific.

The Treatment: Hysterectomy

da Vinci® Hysterectomy: A Less Invasive Surgical Procedure

Hysterectomy can sometimes be performed through the vagina. However,

when the uterus is enlarged — for example, from fibroids or cancer — an

abdominal hysterectomy is preferable. This requires a 6-12 inch incision. In

some cases, doctors also remove the ovaries because they are thought to

release hormones contributing to the condition.

While hysterectomy is relatively safe, it may not be appropriate or necessary

for all individuals or conditions. Alternative treatments that can

preserve the uterus and ovaries may be available. Always ask your doctor

about all treatment options, as well as their risks and benefits.


The Enabling Technology: da Vinci® Surgical System

The da Vinci Surgical System is powered by state-of-the-art

robotic technology. The System allows your surgeon’s hand

movements to be scaled, filtered and translated into precise

movements of micro-instruments within the operative site.

The da Vinci System enhances surgical capabilities by enabling

the performance of complex surgeries through tiny surgical

openings. The System cannot be programmed, nor can it make

decisions on its own. The da Vinci System requires that every

surgical maneuver be performed with direct input from your


The da Vinci Surgical System has been successfully used in tens of

thousands of minimally invasive procedures worldwide.


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